Most common questions
We have created this page to help resolve some of your most common inquiries. Whether you are anxious about implementation timelines, how we can fit within your budgetary restrictions, or if we can integrate with your IT protocols, feel free to take a quick glance at our most frequently asked questions. Should you wish for more detail, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for further engagement.
How long would this take to implement within my organization?
Depending on the size and needs of your organization, our application can be ready for launch within 3 weeks of signing a contract.
How can I be sure that our user data is protected?
Hepius applies an encrypted, anonymous user key for every registered user, ensuring that no personal information can be extracted. All data is given a strict 30-day expiration date to protect the integrity and interests of all participants. None of the data is used for any purpose other than to contact trace.
How much will this cost?
Depending on the size and needs of your organization, costs can vary. While implementation is likely to provide millions of dollars in savings, we do not expect our application to cost more than $30 per individual user. To get a more accurate estimate of how much we can save your bottom line, please consult with our team.
Can I run the App using SDK on the simulator?
You can not run the app on the Simulator. Hepius SDK uses Bluetooth sensors and Location services which are not supported by the Xcode simulator or Android Studio Emulator. You will need a physical iOS or Android device to run the SDK.
What permissions does your SDK require from the user?
Both Android and iOS require access to location and Bluetooth, in order to get contact tracing feature working.
When should I ask for location permissions?
We recommend getting user’s permission to use their location before initializing SDK to receive location from SDK.
How can I try and test the Hepius contact tracing without building an App?
You can request a demo of the app which will be made available to you through the Play Store and App Store.
What it takes to integrate and how long does it take and many other answers to questions you may have.
Absence of Hepius
What is the true cost of not obtaining Hepius and what are the potential risks and consequences?