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Independent Yet Apple & Google compliant

Take a look and discover why our easy-to-use design is a perfect fit for your organization. While remaining compliant with the exposure notification framework designed in the Apple/Google COVID-19 response partnership, Hepius works independently of their program structure. Because of this, we are uniquely positioned to prove our concept through the use of a web-based dashboard, which can provide insightful data for administrative analysis.


Number of Diagnosed

Keep track of your positive diagnosis count to classify levels of risk.

Number of Exposed

Mitigate viral spikes by notifying users who have been directly exposed to an infection.

User Statistics

Track your institution’s progress to becoming an infection-free zone.


Contact events will only be tracked within a predetermined area associated with a client’s needs.

Multi-Tenancy Portal

Each client will be empowered to monitor their own unique data set, enabling swift analysis and implementation of preventative measures within their own organization.

Transmission Chain

Identify and limit the magnitude of the chain of contacts from the infected source to improve the efficiency of your response strategy.

See It to Believe It

We aren’t afraid to show off our technology and encourage you to demo Hepius at your earliest convenience. While we are living in desperate times, we still believe we must earn your trust before we can earn your business.

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