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About Us

Global Context

On March 11, 2020 the Novel Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Two days later, the United States of America declared its outbreak a national emergency. Over the last few months, COVID-19 has vastly changed our landscape, forcing an economic breakdown like never seen before. While great measures have been taken to dampen the impact of this lethal virus, no measure has proved successful as the U.S. alone has suffered over 138,000 deaths with over 50k new infections every day.


While groups around the world continue to work on a vaccine, its global availability will likely take years. Until then, there is only one main tool we can use to slow the devastation of viral outbreaks: contact tracing

Contact tracing is a method used by health departments to prevent the spread of infectious diseases by identifying people who have an infection as well as those with whom they may have come into contact so as to isolate and quarantine individuals at risk. While effective, this practice is extremely time-consuming and prone to human error as it relies on the recollection of those who are infected and accounting for every single person they came into contact with, not to mention the cost of implementing individual contact tracers to enact this method can easily exceed billions of dollars.

While many companies have tried their best to design and program a more efficient means of contact tracing, none have really succeeded. Most contact tracing applications have failed to measure important epidemiological metrics like distance, time, and transmission chain (among others). Those that attempt to take these measurements have done so with very poor accuracy, leaving critical room for error, which can either exaggerate the number of users at risk (demanding more resources than usual) or prevent certain people at risk from being notified.

Being able to consistently and accurately tell the difference between someone being 1 foot away VS 6 feet away from another person is essential to contact tracing’s effectiveness. And that is where Hepius will truly save lives.


Where It All Began

Four years ago, our founding President and CEO came up with an idea that would help him get to the Salt Lake City airport in time for his flight to Seattle where his wife had been temporarily living. Bringing on a team of extraordinary developers, he designed an application that would integrate with airline applications and allow users to know exactly how long it would take for them to get through security checkpoints and to their outgoing gate, no matter their starting point. This technology came to be known as Ferry, and is the driving force behind Hepius.

When the world became engulfed in a global pandemic, we quickly realized that the underlying technology to Ferry would serve perfectly as an automated contact tracing tool. That’s when Hepius was formed. Named after the Greek god of healing, Hepius serves to sufficiently and effectively mitigate viral outbreaks in any setting, all while strictly adhering to the protection of private information.

Let’s make the world a safer place together

Our team is passionate about saving lives and helping institutions get back to a safer form of normalcy. COVID-19 has shrouded our world in fear, preventing people from being able to confidently interact with each other and provoking anxiety with concern for the unknown. We have already helped several institutions within our home state of Utah find their way to a healthier workplace and look forward to broadening our scope to the rest of the world.

Help us protect the people within your organization and make the world a safer place by contacting our consultation team now.

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